Elimee Designs Blog

Twisted Trio Ear Warmers
Crochet Patterns Nichola Griffiths Crochet Patterns Nichola Griffiths

Twisted Trio Ear Warmers

I wanted to cast a little spotlight onto the Twisted Trio Ear Warmers that we released not too long ago. I have been busy making lots of these as stocking fillers this year for my close friends and family. I’ve even made a few for baby bump - I can’t wait to see how cute she looks in them! I can just picture my little family out for a frosty morning walk wearing our cute ear warmers.

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Why I Joined The Crochetpreneur Business Academy
Crochet Advice Nichola Griffiths Crochet Advice Nichola Griffiths

Why I Joined The Crochetpreneur Business Academy

At the time of writing this I have been a VIP member of the CBA for approximately six weeks. In those six weeks I have learnt SO MUCH! I have discovered opportunities that I was missing out on that could help my business, built and started implementing new strategies on social media to reach a wider audience of potential customers, developed new skills that will help me to take my business to the next level, and many other useful things besides.

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