Adamare Diamonds Mosaic Motif - Crochet Pattern

Introducing the Adamare Diamonds Mosaic Motif - my contribution to the ‘Mosaic in a Month’ crochet along (CAL). This design was inspired by my love of zigzags (as you’ll know from my Caitlin Zigzag blanket, scarf, cowl and shrug!) - if you draw two zigzags and flip one upside down it creates diamond shapes.

***This page may include affiliate links - this means that I may earn a small commission if you purchase the product. This is at no additional cost to you. I will only recommend products that I have tried and tested myself, and that I like using. This income helps me to keep designing quality crochet patterns for you.***

So, what exactly is a CAL, and why should you join in? A CAL is a community-driven event where crocheters work on the same project simultaneously, sharing progress, tips, and support. It's a fantastic way to connect with fellow crochet enthusiasts, stay motivated, and learn new techniques. Joining the 'Mosaic in a Month' CAL means you'll be part of a vibrant community, creating beautiful blankets together and inspiring one another.

I like to try and think up interesting ways to name my patterns. The line ‘diamonds are a girls best friend’ kept coming to mind whilst I was brainstorming ideas. Frequently I use words from other languages to create a unique name for my crochet patterns e.g. ‘Mariposa Butterfly Blanket’, ‘Mariquita Ladybird Blanket’, or ‘Amore Hearts Baby Blanket’. Whilst doing some googling I came across the term ‘adamare’. This word is from the Latin meaning ‘to love passionately’. I thought that this was the perfect representation for why diamonds are often given as gifts.

Short on crochet time? Pin this photo so that you can find the pattern again later.

The Amore Diamonds Mosaic Motif pattern is available from Ravelry, Lovecrafts, and Payhip, in US and UK crochet terms.

Alternatively, you can click the button below to grab the full CAL pattern, or find the free version of the Amore Diamonds Mosaic Motif below.

If you enjoy crocheting blankets, check these patterns out too! Click a photo for more information.

You may find these video tutorials helpful when crocheting your Adamare Diamonds:

The Pattern



A 10cm (4 inch) square requires 17 rows of 18st using the overlay mosaic crochet technique.

Abbreviations (US Terms)

ch = chain

st = stitch

rpt = repeat

sc = single crochet

fsc = foundation single crochet

dc = double crochet

BLO = back loop only

FLO = front loop only

fo = fasten off

Difficulty level

Advanced beginner.

Written instructions for this pattern can be found below, or you can watch a full video tutorial here.

Written Pattern

  • I recommend that you read the entire pattern before starting to ensure that you understand what to do at each stage. If at any point you get stuck or would like clarification, please feel free to reach out to me – I am always happy to help!

  • Ch1 at the start of every row. This does NOT count as a stitch.

  • There is a graph for those who prefer to work visually.

  • This motif is a 12-stitch repeat; therefore, your project can be of any width that is a multiple of 12 +3 (first stitch, last stitch and one extra stitch to make the design symmetrical).

  • As all the designs for the Mosaic in a Month Blanket crochet along (CAL), including this one, fit within a 48 stitch repeat this is the sample size that I have crocheted.

  • The other CAL designs can be found here.

Overlay mosaic crochet basics

  • All rows are worked from right to left.

  • The yarn colour changes with every row i.e. you ONLY use ONE colour per row – ignore any changes in colour of the chart squares, they simply show what the final design will look like. You will need to fasten off at the end of every row.

  • Every row contains the same number of stitches.

  • The first and last stitch in every row is a sc.

    • The first stitch is indicated by a square with an ‘A’ or ‘B’ in the chart. The A or B indicates the colour yarn to use for that row.

    • The final stitch is indicated by a square with a ‘+’ in the chart.

  • BLOsc are indicated by a square without a ‘X’ in the chart. 

  • FLOdc are indicated by a square with a ‘X’ in the chart. 

  • All FLOdc are worked into the same-coloured stitch two rows down.

  • The red lines on the chart indicate the 12-stitch repeating section.

  • A = background colour, B = motif colour.

Motif Instructions

  • For each row of the pattern the ( ) represents the 12-stitch repeating section. This section should be repeated your desired i.e. ‘x’ number of times.

  • Row 1 (in colour A) – fsc your desired multiple of 12 +3.

  • Alternative row 1 (in colour A) – ch your desired multiple of 12 +4. Starting in the 2nd ch from the hook sc into each st.

  • Row 2 (in colour B) – sc, (12BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 3 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOsc, 11FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 4 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, 11BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 5 (in colour A) – sc, (2BLOsc, 9FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 6 (in colour B) – sc, (2FLOdc, 9BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 7 (in colour A) – sc, (3BLOsc, 7FLOdc, 2BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 8 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, 7BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc),  rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 9 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOsc, FLOdc, 2BLOsc, 5FLOdc, 2BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 10 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, BLOsc, 2FLOdc, 5BLOsc, 2FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc). 

  • Row 11 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOsc, FLOdc, 3BLOsc, 3FLOdc, 3BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 12 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, 3BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 13 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, 2BLOsc, FLOdc, 2BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 14 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, 2FLOdc, BLOsc, 2FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 15 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, 5BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 16 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 17 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, 5BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 18 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, 2FLOdc, BLOsc, 2FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 19 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOdc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, 2BLOsc, FLOdc, 2BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 20 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, BLOdc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, 3BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 21 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOsc, FLOdc, 3BLOsc, 3FLOdc, 3BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 22 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, BLOsc, 2FLOdc, 5BLOsc, 2FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 23 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOsc, FLOdc, 2BLOsc, 5FLOdc, 2BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 24 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, BLOsc, FLOdc, 7BLOdc, FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 25 (in colour A) – sc, (3BLOsc, 7FLOdc, 2BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 26 (in colour B) – sc, (2FLOdc, 9BLOsc, FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 27 (in colour A) – sc, (2BLOsc, 9FLOdc, BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

  • Row 28 (in colour B) – sc, (FLOdc, 11BLOsc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, FLOdc, sc.

  • Row 29 (in colour A) – sc, (BLOsc, 11FLOdc), rpt ( to ) until 2st remain, BLOsc, sc.

Congratulations on making your Adamare Diamonds Mosaic Motif 😊

Please use the hashtag #adamarediamondsmosaicmotif or tag me in your post (@elimee_designs on Instagram and @elimeedesigns on Facebook) so that I can celebrate your finished project too! 

The fine print

©2024 Elimee Designs. All rights reserved.

You may sell the items that you crochet by following this pattern on a small scale provided that you credit Elimee Designs as the designer. Mass production is not permitted. This pattern or any of its parts may not be altered, reproduced, distributed, sold or translated without written permission from Elimee Designs. Copies can be made for personal use only.

Please note that all written patterns from Elimee Designs are non-refundable.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this pattern please feel free to contact me via or the Elimee Designs Crochet Pattern group on Facebook.

Fancy grabbing your next Elimee Designs pattern for free? Kindly leave a review on Etsy or Ravelry, and then email me with your order number and Ravelry/Etsy ID to be entered into the monthly free pattern giveaway. Good luck!

Thank you to Kris, Lourdes, Vikki, Jean and Collene who kindly tested this pattern. Check out their beautiful photos below.

If you’d like to be notified when my next pattern goes into testing simply sign up below, or click HERE to learn more about becoming a crochet pattern tester. 

Looking for more content to explore? Check out these next! Psst… they all feature mosaic crochet❤️.


Mix-and-Match C2C Blanket Squares