10 Fabulous Christmas Gift Ideas For Crocheters

***This page may include affiliate links - this means that I may earn a small commission if you purchase the product. This is at no additional cost to you. I will only recommend products that I have tried and tested myself, and that I like using. This income helps me to keep designing quality crochet patterns for you.***

Whether you crochet yourself or are looking for someone that you love, below you will find some wonderful Christmas gift ideas for the crocheters in your life.

1. A custom crochet hook. Check out this beautiful ergonomic (read helpful if you get sore fingers/wrists when crocheting) crochet hook from Knitsbyjewl. Whilst her hooks are available in different colours and styles, and can be customised further, don’t you just love this purple/silver version? I may be a bit biased as my favourite colour is purple lol.

2. A personalised project bag. Pretty much all crocheters, knitters, sewists…..crafters in general would prefer to keep their WIPs (works in progress) in pretty project bags, rather than resorting to carrier bags or sandwich bags etc. Check out this bag from CreationsbyCourtneyW (one of many that she offers) - I particularly like the rope strap and internal pocket on this one.

3. A stitch marker tin. These quirky tins offered by Green Fox Farm Designs are gorgeous. They are perfect for avoiding that ‘oh, where did I leave it’ frustration that many of us experience when trying to locate a tiny stitch marker within a large WIP bag. Why not pick one like this (see image below) that allows some of your inner sass to shine :)

4. A yarn holder. Have you ever experienced that frustration when you’re happily crocheting away, pull on your yarn to get a bit more and it dances away from you across the floor? For those of us who have yet to master the centre pull (I always seem to end up with yarn barf when I try it) this can be a common occurrence. Why not reduce your stress and frustrations by using a yarn holder. These come in may guises ranging from a yarn bowl, to a zipped up yarn bag with a hole in it, to a wool jeanie (see the image below). This particular model is on offer from Wool and Crafts, and should help to make your crocheting experience more pleasant all round.

5. A crochet-inspired zipper pouch. Zipper pouches are great at helping you to keep track of all of those medium-sized notions e.g. crochet hooks, scissors, yarn bobbins. Why not use your ‘need’ to stay organised (or whatever other excuse you feel like inserting here lol) and combine it with a subtle nod to your crochet talents. I love this zipper pouch from Green Fox Farm Designs, because we could all do with a little more cardio in our lives…right?! Bonus points for the motif being purple too :)

6. Progress markers. Whilst strictly speaking progress markers are not an essential part of a crocheter’s basic kit, they are gorgeous! Not only do they help you to track your progress with a particular WIP, but they are so darn cute to look at. Why not grab yourself a fabulous new conversation starter. I particular like the look of this festive set by IsleStitch (see image below), because who doesn’t love Christmas?!

7. A project tracker. Another gift to help you beat frustration. Hold up your hand if you have multiple WIPs on the go at any one time - my hand is definitely raised! Doesn’t it drive you mad when you go back to a WIP and can’t recall the size of hook that you were using, or which pattern you are part way though? Why not banish your woes by keeping all of the important details for each WIP in one place? This project planner by Keeley Robertson might be the answer that you have been looking for.

8. A yarn cutter. Forever losing your scissors, or worried about the kids cutting themselves on them? Going on an aeroplane in the near future and want to take your crocheting along without fear of it being confiscated? It’s time to treat yourself to a yarn cutter! Look at this beautiful yarn cutter from IsleStitch - personally I would love one of these (elbows the husband not so subtly lol).

9. A row counter. I don’t know about you, but I am terrible at keeping track of my rows when crocheting. I always seem to lose the bit of paper that i’ve been scribbling on, and my little plastic one is so stiff to turn. Plus, neither option is pretty. So why not ask for a colourful row counter this Christmas and give yourself something extra to smile about while you work. This rainbow-coloured row counter ring (a ring is much harder to lose!) from SheepishFibreArt looks like a stylish and practical option to choose.

10. A course to teach you something new. Whether you are brand new to crocheting or looking to understand a new technique, taking a course can be helpful to show you the ropes. It’s often easier to grasp something when you have someone demonstrating the skill to you, or who you can ask for help when it’s not going as planned. If you’ve always wanted to be able to read written patterns (which massively expands your choices when crocheting) take a look at this course from Knitting with Chopsticks.

So, wherever you are in your crochet journey I am sure that you will have spotted something above that takes your fancy and you MUST HAVE waiting under the tree for you this Christmas 😄. Comment below to let us know which gift idea is your favourite.

Merry Christmas!


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