The Aphrodite C2C Blanket - Crochet Pattern

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner I felt that now would be a good time to share a throwback to our Aphrodite C2C Blanket crochet pattern 😀. This crochet pattern, as the name suggests, was inspired by our Aphrodite Cushion Cover. My daughter’s doodling-inspired patterns are multiplying lol - I have a summer pattern inspired by another of her drawings that I’d like to make in the near future!

This pattern creates an afghan large enough to cuddle up under on a cold day with your loved one(s), and is well suited to gift on many special occasions such as Valentine’s Day or for a wedding.

***This page may include affiliate links - this means that I may earn a small commission if you purchase the product. This is at no additional cost to you. I will only recommend products that I have tried and tested myself, and that I like using. This income helps me to keep designing quality crochet patterns for you.***

This crochet pattern is a corner-to-corner based graphgan that is far easier to make than you might think. In order to make it even easier we have also created a few handy video tutorials that you can find below. If you have any reservations about being able to read the pattern itself, why not consider trying out our 5 day challenge. Exactly as it sounds, over the course of 5 days we will provide you with our expert advice on how to read any crochet pattern with ease.

The Aphrodite C2C Blanket crochet pattern has been fully pattern tested, and includes both written and graphical instructions. Additionally, we are always happy to offer pattern support via our Facebook group.

This crochet pattern is available on Ravelry, Etsy and LoveCrafts :)

If you don’t have the time to crochet this pattern now, why not pin the image below for later!

Here are some examples of the Aphrodite C2C Blanket crocheted by our lovely testers.


Difficulty level

Advanced beginner

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Here is the sister pattern - the Aphrodite Cushion Cover - that I mentioned earlier.

Happy crocheting!


Video Blog - Episode 7


15 Valentine-Inspired Crochet Patterns